St. Helen Roman Catholic Parish
66 E. Maplewood St.
Oracle, AZ 85623
Telephone: 520-896-2708
Fax: 520-896-2631
Parish Staff:
- Pastor: Rev. Msgr. Ambrose Nwohu
- Secretary: Leane Gomez
- Director of Religious Education: Maria Martinez
Parish Board of Directors:
- Rev. Msgr. Ambrose Nwohu, President
- Manuel Navarro, Treasurer
- Carmen Trejo, Secretary
- Most Rev. Edward J. Weisenburger, Bishop of Tucson Diocese
- Rev. John P. Arnold, Moderator of the Curia
St. Helen Mission until becoming a parish in 2005, incorporated in 2010
Parish Pastoral Council:
- Rev. Msgr. Ambrose Nwohu
- Ellie Brown, Chairperson
- Gerardo Alcaraz
- Mary Buzan
- Susan Daviess
- Sean Mulholland
- Manny Navarro
- Rob Rizk
- Alfred Trejo, Secretary
- Carmen Trejo